It has been several years since posting on this webpage but now feels more pertinent than ever. In 2023, OBC is taking a big leap and opening up to the wider community by occupying an 840 square foot commercial space in Newbury.
Often it has felt like the bottleneck for the club growing is the reasonable capacity of our premises. As much as we have found joy and satisfaction in “making it work” with the tools we have, for the longevity of the club it is important to encourage new and intermittent lifters to feel welcome and valued in engaging and training with us.
In the past half-decade, we have muddled along in cramped and limited space, meanwhile our inventory of specialist equipment has grown. With the encouragement and buy-in of Julian (Titanium Training) we are now lucky enough to be acquiring much of his equipment from the Titanium Training Studio of old (this was home to some unforgettable sessions and facilitated some serious gains circa 2019-2020).
We are under no illusions that powerlifting and strongman are niche and obscure hobbies, but for those interested in these pursuits there is very little in the Newbury area that caters for the need of specialist equipment and an experienced and focused environment. We aim to fill that void and beĀ the go-to training space for both serious and competitive athletes, and those at any stage of their journey who wish to develop and push themselves in the pursuit of strength.
This new space will facilitate regular group training sessions as well as allow us to host competitions for local lifters. This is integral to the core ethos of OBC.
As we work towards setting up the new space, it is important to ear-mark the date of Sunday 29th October, when we will host an OPEN DAY for new and old associates of OBC to come and see what we have been working hard towards for so many years.
Looking forward to seeing you there!